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Magazines, Television, Books, Articles, and even your favorite celebrity will have you pulling out your hair to believe the “LIE”. The lie that has been spreading like an epidemic. The “LIE” is that physical perfection can be achieved if you look like this or eat this, or tuck that. If you do not, then you deserve to be ostracized, and degraded.

We live in a world that tells us that there is a mold, and everyone must fit into it in order to be praised. People lie everyday about how they really look for the purpose of looking like someone else. With cosmetic surgeries, cosmetic injections, photoshop, etc, its no wonder why we struggle occasionally, for some all the time, with low self-esteem, low self-worth, and negative thoughts about our selves.

Being a BADASS means being your own image. It means you gave society  the “finger” and told it to sit on it! To be a BADASS, it is going to take attitude, determination, and ambition. Want to be a BADASS? Follow these steps.


1. Skip The Flaws

Staying trapped in a constant flow of “I don’t have what she has”, “I can’t be that person”, “I can never do what she can”, is not doing you any favors is it? Focusing on everything that you feel is a negative about you, keeps you weighted down and never accomplishing much. What you think becomes what you believe, which becomes how you act. So unpack the baggage of your life and past. You lived it. You survived. Now, move forward to happier endeavors.

Cut the CRAP (stereotypes)! We place others into nice, little boxes. The boxes are oversimplified assumptions. Ever heard the saying about assuming? It makes an ass out of “u”. When you believe the hype about stereotypes and treat people accordingly, you find the moment YOU fit into the box you treat yourself the same way. Don’t believe me?? What are your thoughts about someone overweight? Or, about someone who you think is not attractive? Again, cut the CRAP!

Be aware of what makes you tick. Decide if it is something you can actually change, proceed to grow, and the rest “FORGET ABOUT IT!”

2. Map out Who You Are

Do you know who you are? Not the superficial BS like “I have an amazing smile and I came from good stock.” I’m talking who are you? You want people to respect you, love you, be proud of you, but you don’t even know yourself. Being BADASS also means you are not afraid to dig deep, and ask your self those thought provoking questions. What are my gifts, talents, and skills? What makes me smile? What makes me angry? What gets me out of bed everyday? What do I dream about? How and what do I want to be remembered for? What features, physically and internally, do I LOVE about myself?

3. Tell the world “F” You

I once read confidence was knowing your self worth. Once you know who you are, own it! You are you, and you were are beautifully made. You are perfectly imperfect. No one can be YOU better than YOU. Now that you are owning your gifts, talents, and skills, share them with the world! If you are good at something, share it with someone who could benefit from it . They get joy of having access to you, because you solved a problem, or became an answer to what they wanted. In the meantime, you are getting better at what you do, and you feel great because you are doing something bigger than yourself.

The world as a whole does not like for people to be individuals. When you live your life leading with what you are uniquely great at, others will natural try to make you stop. As a whole, society wants everyone be the same. It’s only when the person who chose to be an individual succeeded in a way that no one can dispute it, is when they are praised. However, along the way they were called crazy and laughed at for trying to live differently.

Tell the world you are here and you will live your way. You need to do everything you can to showcase you talents, skills, gifts, and even you positive attributes everyday. Doing this causes your mind to shift in a positive direction. It goes from saying what you can’t do and don’t have, to what I can do, what I do have, and what I can do for you. BEWARE: living life in a more positive mindset can begin to cause feelings of  BADASS-ism!

4. Gain Strength

Put your workout clothes on! Never in my life have felt more like a BADASS as when I am covered in sweat. Working out releases endorphins into your blood stream that causes “happy” feelings. Think about how BADASS you would feel if you chased that “happy” feeling 3-4 times a week like you do a sale at your favorite store.

Get an attitude! When someone tells you to stop using your skills or go back to conformity, look them in the eye and ask them why. Why, should  I stop? Why do you even care? Then proceed to say “thank you for your concern, but I got this!”

5. Take It To A Higher Level

Life can be a vicious cycle. You need to identify people, places, and things that are a source of negativity, and decide to keep it or let it go. Not going to certain places and throwing away things are easier than letting go people. Consider this: Everyone has the right to change and grow. Before you start back kicking people from your life, give them them the opportunity to grow with you. Tell them about your new found BADASS title and your NO tolerance zone for negative thinking and words. If they are down, YAY! If not, YOU have a decision to make.

Don’t forget! You can not expect things to change around you until you change. Elevating your standards means taking the standards you hold yourself to another level as well. If you don’t like where you live, what you drive, or even what you own, do you constantly dwell on it? Law of Attraction states you must ALWAYS be in a state of gratefulness BEFORE you can expect something new to come your way. What is the state of your home? Do you use sheets are drapes? Could your bedroom pass as your closet? Why don’t you like your ride? Do you wash and vacuum it every week? Does it look like you are moving with all the stuff you have in it? Change always starts with you.

You want to be BADASS? Then be BADASS!

xoxoooox Alicia

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Alicia is a Confidence Coach. She helps career driven women be more successful by offering services designed to strengthen confidence and self-worth. Her life mission is to help every woman feel BOLDER, DEEPER, and HAPPIER!

Who are you???


Who are you? What is below the surface? What is under the makeup, hair styles, stylish clothes, and trained smile? Who are you when no one is around? What are your thoughts? What are your stresses? What is your pain? Who are you hiding from? Where are you running to? What is it about you that you don’t want other people to see?

These are hard questions to ask. But ask you must. Being aware of you feelings and thoughts helps the process of growth and healing. I once asked myself who are you? I could not answer. I had no idea. This was shocking to me, because how can you crave acceptance and want people to love you for you if you don’t know YOU?

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The answers to these questions for some are extremely painful. It is hard to see past these thing. I try very hard not to make light of other people’s struggles, because something light to me may be very heavy to someone else. Throughout my process of discovering and transformation, I am learning new things about myself. I have learned that no matter what I am going through, someone else is going through too. The bible says we will all have trials and tribulations to conquer. The road to greatness is narrow and not paved. You will trip, stumble, and fall. However, on this road you will learn and you will adapt. It is so easy to focus on what is wrong in our lives. It is easy to watch others appear to be thriving with things and/or opportunities we say we want. But remember just like you hide your pain well, so can they. Focus on your path and your dreams. Stay out of theirs.


Alicia REACH THE TOP (1)

You Are Beautiful: The Love Letter


Dear You,

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Believe me when I tell you. True beauty comes from your smile, your kindness towards others, your laughter, accomplishing your goals, and living your dreams.

Deep down you want be the woman who has inner peace so deep it’s manifested in everything you do.

Many women struggle with body image and self-doubt, and don’t even know it. As women, we are quick to believe we are not enough while others have everything. Society will tell you that you deserve to be mocked, ignored, and made to feel inferior if you don’t have the perfect hair, smile, shape, weight, man, friends, car, clothes, job, image.  

SPOILER: Only 5% of women naturally have the body type image displayed in the media. That means 95% of women DON’T look like the image on the screen and magazines. (found on

{PSA: Quit looking at HER}
Why would you want to be like anyone else? All the time you spend in the mirror dreaming of looking like, acting like, or having what someone else has, you COULD have been LIVING in your best moments. QUIT looking at HER and just Be Your Own Image


xoxo, Alicia

Be Your Own Image

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Magazines, Television, Books, Articles, and even your favorite celebrity will have you pulling out your hair to believe the “LIE”. The lie that has been spreading like an epidemic. The “LIE” is that physical perfection can be achieved if you look like this or eat this, or tuck that. If you do not, then you deserve to be ostracized, and degraded.

We live in a world that tells us that there is a mold, and everyone must fit into it in order to be praised. People lie everyday about how they really look for the purpose of looking like someone else. With cosmetic surgeries, cosmetic injections, photoshop, etc, its no wonder why we suffer from low self-esteem and negative thoughts about our selves.

When did believing that who you are is NOT enough to accomplish your goals in life??

Why is this “normal” thinking??

My mission is to spread the word, the thought, the belief, the action that you can BE YOUR OWN IMAGE.

Revolutionary thinking is knowing that people who are known for their success or the legacy they left behind, were people who refused to fit inside the mold. So again I repeat BE YOUR OWN IMAGE!

Here are 5 tips to help you get on track to being a BOLDER you:

1. Ignore your faults: Reposition your mind to accept flaws. (stretch marks, overweight, underweight, large nose, small lips, big hips, small butt, etc) “Flaws” are a reminder that you are unique. Embrace them!

2. Make a list: Put to paper what you LOVE about you. Call it My Benefits. Reposition your mind to fully love what you love. (eyes, lips, hair, laugh, hands, butt, legs, sense of humor, ability to talk to anyone, etc) Know what you have. Love what you have. Share what you have.

3. Accentuate the positive: Map out a plan. Take the list you made of things you LOVE about you, and write one action step you will take to pamper/nurture that benefit. This technique is designed to force your mind to stay in the moment of you. (My Benefit: My hair. I will learn one new hair style every week from Youtube and wear it that week.) Confidence comes from consistency.  Just do it!

4. Gain Strength: Move that body. Go run, walk, skip, dance, lift weights. Do something to create the natural feeling of being happy. Endorphins are a God send!

5. Elevate your standards: Don’t accept everything that comes your way. We have all heard the saying “Don’t believe everything you hear.” Well, take it to another level. Know what makes you positively and productively happy. Create your environment that support your “happy”. Then keep/kick out anyone or anything that tries to take your “happy” away.

Do yourself!!


Do yourself a favor and ignore your “faults”. Whatever it is you feel is a con in your life, ignore it. Redirect your focus away from it. Focusing on it encourages you to think bad non truths about yourself. For example, you think one of your “faults” is you have a large nose (you don’t, you are beautiful), and you think it is “ugly”. Focusing on your nose closes the your vision of your entire face. Before long every time you look in the mirror, all you see is your nose. Your nose becomes your face. Then you start to believe that your face is “ugly” (you are not, you are beautiful), because you believe your nose is “ugly.” Then you start to believe that you are “ugly” (you are not, you are beautiful). Every association you know, think, hear, see, or feel about someone being  considered “ugly”, you begin to treat yourself in the same manner. You become mean toward yourself. You become unforgiving toward yourself.  Relax, Breathe,Repeat